Delivery Information
Order confirmation
When we receive your order, we provide you with a confirmation to your email. In addition, when you receive your order confirmation we have pre-authorised your payment method. We check with our warehouse or suppliers to make sure that your desired item is available and can be dispatched. In the event that your items are unavailable for immediate dispatch, we remove the pre-authorisation from your credit card and send you an email informing you of our actions. When items are available to be dispatched, we process the charges and prepare to dispatch your order.
How will my order be delivered?
All orders will be delivered using the fastest, safest, and most reliable methods. Once we process your payment, we dispatch your items within the delivery time frame stated on the product page. Then, we send you a dispatch notification after your item/s have left the warehouse. We will choose the most suitable delivery method and courier after you order. It's not possible to choose a courier or delivery method yourself.
Estimated Delivery Times
- Next Day Delivery: Most orders placed before 2:00 PM (GMT) will be processed and dispatched for next-day delivery. This applies to most in-stock items and we use SWL and DPD carriers for next day delivery.
- Express Delivery: After dispatch, delivery typically takes 1-3 business days, depending on the destination within the UK.
- Standard Delivery: After dispatch, delivery typically takes 3-4 business days, depending on the destination within the UK.
- Free Delivery: After dispatch, delivery typically takes 2-6 business days, depending on the destination within the UK. This is due to handling times, inventory availability, or the need for special shipping arrangements.
Shipping Timeframes
- In-stock items: We strive to dispatch most products within 1 business day of your order being placed.
- Out of stock or pre-order items: You will be notified of any delays, and we will provide an estimated dispatch time as soon as the item is available.
Shipping Partners
- We work with trusted third-party delivery partners to ensure reliable delivery. While we do our best to meet these timeframes, please note that delivery times may vary due to factors outside our control, such as weather, holidays, or other unforeseen events.
Shipping Costs
- Shipping costs are calculated at checkout based on the weight, size, product type and destination of your order. Free delivery options may apply on eligible orders.
Where does Solareon UK deliver?
We deliver anywhere in the UK (United Kingdom)
There may be additional charges for the 'offshore domestic regions' and ‘Scottish Highlands’: the Channel Islands, Isle of Wight, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles, Scottish Highlands, Scottish Islands and Northern Ireland.
If your address is outside of the UK mainland please contact for a delivery quote, either by email or by phone on 0203 092 1464.